Maybe you're trying to find all the links between a batch and a delivery so one of the tables you'll see is CHVW which might be exactly what you're after in your program's selections.
This is where my ZZFINDER program comes in handy. I use it multiple times on each project that I am on. You fill out the selection screen with the data you're after (including any leading zeroes) and hit F8.
The program will then come back with a list of table and field names to show you where this piece of data was found in the system.
So, here's the code to do this;
report zzfinder
no standard page heading line-size 132.
* Mark Langenhoven 2015/11/14
*--- Data declarations ----------------------------------------------
"Record searching
tables: dd03l, dd02l.
"Table searching
data: begin of datarec,
tabname like dd03l-tabname,
tabtext like dd02t-ddtext,
fieldname like dd03l-fieldname,
fieldtext like dd03t-ddtext,
end of datarec.
data: begin of fieldrec,
tabname like dd03l-tabname,
fieldname like dd03l-fieldname,
tabclass like dd02l-tabclass,
end of fieldrec.
data: gt_tfields like fieldrec occurs 0 with header line.
data: gt_tdata like datarec occurs 0 with header line.
*--- Selection screen -----------------------------------------------
selection-screen begin of block a1 with frame.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) pdata.
parameters: p_data type adrnr_txt.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen end of block a1.
selection-screen begin of block a2 with frame.
"Manual field definition
selection-screen begin of block a2a with frame.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) stype.
select-options s_type for dd03l-datatype.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) sleng.
select-options s_leng for dd03l-leng.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) sdec.
select-options s_dec for dd03l-decimals.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) sdom.
select-options s_dom for dd03l-domname.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) skey.
select-options s_key for dd03l-keyflag no intervals.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen end of block a2a.
selection-screen comment 1(38) eor.
"Field definition by example
selection-screen begin of block a2b with frame.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) ptabnam.
parameters p_tabnam like dd03l-tabname.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) pfieldn.
parameters p_fieldn like dd03l-fieldname.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen end of block a2b.
selection-screen end of block a2.
"Matching strategy
selection-screen begin of block a3 with frame.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(15) pexact.
parameters p_exact radiobutton group smde.
selection-screen comment 25(15) paddbf.
parameters p_addbf radiobutton group smde.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen end of block a3.
"Search limits
selection-screen begin of block a4 with frame.
selection-screen comment 1(35) slimit.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) stable.
select-options s_table for dd03l-tabname.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen begin of line.
selection-screen comment 1(22) sfield.
select-options s_field for dd03l-fieldname.
selection-screen end of line.
"Exclude tables starting with a slash
selection-screen begin of line.
parameters: p_noslsh as checkbox default 'X'.
selection-screen comment 5(22) snoslash.
selection-screen end of line.
selection-screen end of block a4.
pdata = 'Data to find'.
stype = 'Data type'.
sleng = 'Data length'.
sdec = 'Num. of decimals'.
sdom = 'Domain name'.
skey = 'Key flag'.
eor = 'Fill in block above OR block below'.
ptabnam = 'Reference table'.
pfieldn = 'Reference field'.
pexact = 'Match exactly'.
paddbf = 'Match subtext'.
slimit = 'Search limits:'.
stable = 'Search tables'.
sfield = 'Search fields'.
snoslash = 'Exclude tables with /'.
at selection-screen.
perform validate_inputs.
*=== Main program ===================================================
"Search through all tables to find some data
perform search_all_tables.
at line-selection.
perform goto_table using sy-cucol sy-lisel.
*& Form search_all_tables
form search_all_tables.
"Check for wild cards
if p_data cs '*'.
p_addbf = abap_true.
p_exact = abap_false.
"Strip off the * because the selects don't like them
translate p_data using ' `'.
translate p_data using '* '.
condense p_data no-gaps.
translate p_data using '` '.
message s000(38) with 'Subset matching selected for wildcards'.
perform find_fields tables gt_tfields.
perform find_data tables gt_tfields
perform disp_data tables gt_tdata.
endform. "search_all_tables
* Make sure we have valid stuff entered
form validate_inputs .
if p_data is initial.
message e000(38) with 'Enter some data to search for'.
"See if the user hasn't defined the field in some way or another
if s_type[] is initial and
s_dom[] is initial and
p_tabnam is initial and
p_fieldn is initial.
message e000(38) with 'Enter field definitions'.
if p_tabnam is not initial and
p_fieldn is initial.
message e000(38) with 'Enter a table and field name in the definition'.
if p_tabnam is initial and
p_fieldn is not initial.
message e000(38) with 'Enter a table and field name in the definition'.
*& Form find_fields
* Find the fields which match our search criteria
form find_fields tables pt_fields structure fieldrec.
data: begin of dd02lrec,
tabname like dd02l-tabname,
tabclass like dd02l-tabclass,
end of dd02lrec.
data: lt_dd02l like dd02lrec occurs 0 with header line,
lt_dd02l2 like dd02lrec occurs 0 with header line,
lv_lines type i,
lv_msg(50) type c,
lt_fields like fieldrec occurs 0 with header line.
"Use the alternate field definition if the user has requested it
perform build_fields.
"If we are not dealing with an exact match, then allow for larger data elements
if p_addbf = abap_true.
loop at s_leng .
if s_leng-option = 'EQ'.
s_leng-option = 'GE'.
modify s_leng.
"Exclude tables starting with /
if p_noslsh = abap_true.
read table s_table with key low = '/*'.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
s_table-low = '/*'.
s_table-option = 'CP'.
s_table-sign = 'E'.
append s_table.
text = 'Getting fields...'.
select tabname fieldname from dd03l
into corresponding fields of table lt_fields
package size 10 "Can run for a long time
where tabname in s_table
and fieldname in s_field
and datatype in s_type
and leng in s_leng
and decimals in s_dec
and domname in s_dom
and keyflag in s_key.
append lines of lt_fields to pt_fields.
describe table pt_fields.
lv_msg = |Getting fields... { sy-tfill }|.
text = lv_msg.
check pt_fields[] is not initial.
"Reduce the select time on the next two selects
refresh lt_fields.
append lines of pt_fields to lt_fields.
sort lt_fields by tabname.
delete adjacent duplicates from lt_fields comparing tabname.
text = 'Checking tables...'.
"Make sure we only grab tables and not structures
select tabname tabclass from dd02l into table lt_dd02l
for all entries in lt_fields
where tabname = lt_fields-tabname
and ( tabclass = 'INTTAB' or
tabclass = 'APPEND' or
tabclass = 'VIEW' ).
"Only activated tables allowed
select tabname tabclass from dd02l into table lt_dd02l2
for all entries in lt_fields
where tabname = lt_fields-tabname
and as4local <> 'A'.
if sy-subrc = 0.
append lines of lt_dd02l2 to lt_dd02l.
sort lt_dd02l by tabname.
delete adjacent duplicates from lt_dd02l comparing tabname.
loop at lt_dd02l.
delete pt_fields where tabname = lt_dd02l-tabname.
check sy-tabix mod 100 = 0.
describe table pt_fields.
lv_msg = |Reducing fields... { sy-tfill }|.
text = lv_msg.
select tabname tabclass from dd02l into table lt_dd02l
for all entries in pt_fields
where tabname = pt_fields-tabname.
sort lt_dd02l by tabname.
loop at pt_fields.
read table lt_dd02l with key tabname = pt_fields-tabname
binary search.
pt_fields-tabclass = lt_dd02l-tabclass.
modify pt_fields.
describe table pt_fields lines lv_lines.
write:/ 'Number of matching fields found: ', lv_lines.
* message 'Done' type 'S'.
text = 'Fields selected'.
endform. " find_fields
*& Form find_data
* Search through our list of fields to see if we can find a match on
* our data
form find_data tables pt_fields structure fieldrec
pt_data structure datarec.
data: begin of tabrec,
end of tabrec.
data: lt_tab like tabrec occurs 0 with header line,
lv_lines type i,
lv_total type i,
lv_tables type i,
lv_count type i,
lv_perc type i,
lv_cond type string,
data: ls_old like datarec,
lv_counter(3) type n.
check pt_fields[] is not initial.
describe table pt_fields lines lv_tables.
loop at pt_fields .
refresh lt_tab.
"Update the job log with a status message
lv_count = sy-tabix mod 100.
if lv_count = 0.
* WRITE sy-tabix TO lv_tabix.
lv_msg = | Searching table { sy-tabix } of { lv_tables } |.
if lv_tables = 0.
lv_perc = 0.
lv_perc = sy-tabix * 100 / lv_tables.
percentage = lv_perc
text = lv_msg.
refresh lt_tab.
if p_exact = abap_true.
concatenate '''' p_data '''' into lv_cond.
concatenate pt_fields-fieldname '=' lv_cond into lv_cond separated by space.
select single (pt_fields-fieldname) from (pt_fields-tabname)
into tabrec
where (lv_cond).
append tabrec to lt_tab.
if pt_fields-tabclass = 'POOL' or
pt_fields-tabclass = 'CLUSTER'.
"Cannot optimize with DISTINCT on pool or cluster tables
select (pt_fields-fieldname) from (pt_fields-tabname)
into table lt_tab.
select distinct (pt_fields-fieldname) from (pt_fields-tabname)
into table lt_tab.
if sy-subrc = 0.
describe table lt_tab lines lv_lines.
lv_total = lv_total + lv_lines.
if p_exact = abap_true.
"Match the values exactly
read table lt_tab with key data = p_data.
if sy-subrc = 0.
move-corresponding pt_fields to pt_data.
pt_data-data = lt_tab-data.
append pt_data.
"Match any string which contains our string
loop at lt_tab .
find p_data in lt_tab-data.
if sy-subrc = 0.
move-corresponding pt_fields to pt_data.
pt_data-data = lt_tab-data.
append pt_data.
"Clean up the output a little bit
sort pt_data.
delete adjacent duplicates from pt_data.
loop at pt_data.
if pt_data-tabtext is initial.
select single ddtext from dd02t into pt_data-tabtext
where tabname = pt_data-tabname
and ddlanguage = sy-langu.
modify pt_data transporting tabtext where tabname = pt_data-tabname.
if pt_data-fieldtext is initial.
select single ddtext from dd03t into pt_data-fieldtext
where tabname = pt_data-tabname
and fieldname = pt_data-fieldname
and ddlanguage = sy-langu.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
select single ddtext from dd04t into pt_data-fieldtext
where rollname = pt_data-fieldname
and ddlanguage = sy-langu.
modify pt_data transporting fieldtext where fieldname = pt_data-fieldname.
write: / 'Number of data items checked : ', lv_total.
write: /.
endform. " find_data
*& Form disp_data
* Display the data we found
form disp_data tables pt_data structure datarec.
data: lv_lines(5) type n.
data: ls_old like datarec,
lv_count type i,
lv_tabcount(5) type n.
"First write down what we searched for - useful for running multiple
"background jobs
write: / 'Searched for: '.
write: / p_data.
lv_count = 0.
lv_tabcount = 0.
loop at pt_data .
"If we've searched for an exact value then there's no need to
"display it for every table
if p_exact is initial.
if pt_data-tabname = ls_old-tabname and
pt_data-fieldname = ls_old-fieldname.
lv_count = lv_count + 1.
if lv_count = 1.
write: / '| Multiple values found ' color col_group,
at 86 '|'.
"If we have a single value then write it out for us to see
if lv_count = 0 and ls_old is not initial.
write: / '|', ls_old-data, at 86 '|'.
lv_count = 0.
ls_old = pt_data.
if lv_count > 0.
uline (86).
write: / '|', '(Data)' hotspot,
pt_data-tabname color col_heading hotspot,
pt_data-fieldname color col_heading hotspot,
at 86 '|'.
write: / '|', ' ',
pt_data-tabtext(30) color col_normal,
pt_data-fieldtext(30) color col_normal,
at 86 '|'.
lv_tabcount = lv_tabcount + 1.
if lv_count = 0 and ls_old is not initial.
write: / '|', ' ', ls_old-data, at 86 '|'.
uline (86).
describe table pt_data lines lv_lines.
"Format the output a little bit
concatenate '$Found$' lv_lines '$records$in$' lv_tabcount '$tables' into lv_line.
translate lv_line using '0 '.
condense lv_line no-gaps.
translate lv_line using '$ '.
write: / lv_line.
write: / .
write: / ' Done. '.
endform. " disp_data
*& Form build_fields
*If the user specified a table and field name, then use that to build up
*the datatype and other field parameters,
form build_fields .
data: ls_dd03l like dd03l.
check p_tabnam is not initial and
p_fieldn is not initial.
select single * from dd03l into ls_dd03l
where tabname = p_tabnam
and fieldname = p_fieldn.
check sy-subrc = 0.
refresh: s_type, s_leng, s_dec, s_dom, s_key.
s_type-low = ls_dd03l-datatype.
s_type-sign = 'I'.
s_type-option = 'EQ'.
append s_type.
s_leng-low = ls_dd03l-leng.
s_leng-sign = 'I'.
s_leng-option = 'EQ'.
append s_leng.
s_dec-low = ls_dd03l-decimals.
s_dec-sign = 'I'.
s_dec-option = 'EQ'.
append s_dec.
s_dom-low = ls_dd03l-domname.
s_dom-sign = 'I'.
s_dom-option = 'EQ'.
append s_dom.
if ls_dd03l-keyflag = abap_true.
s_key-low = ls_dd03l-keyflag.
s_key-sign = 'I'.
s_key-option = 'EQ'.
append s_key.
endform. " build_fields
*& Form goto_table
* Jump to the selected table
form goto_table using pv_pos
data: tabname like dd03l-tabname,
fieldname like dd03l-fieldname,
ls_gref like tbprogref,
progname like rsvar-report,
lt_sscr like rsscr occurs 0 with header line,
ls_dd03l like dd03l,
ls_dd04l like dd04l.
data: lt_params type table of rsparams,
ls_param type rsparams.
split pv_line at space into lv_line lv_dummy tabname fieldname.
condense: tabname, fieldname.
set parameter id 'DTB' field tabname.
if pv_pos > 9.
"The user wants to see the table and add more
"selections to it
call transaction 'SE16' and skip first screen.
"User has selected the (Data) hotspot
"See if we can plug the field name in via a parameter ID as well
"so that we can go direct to the data instead of the data
"selection screen
select single * from dd03l into ls_dd03l
where tabname = tabname
and fieldname = fieldname.
if sy-subrc = 0.
select single * from dd04l into ls_dd04l
where rollname = ls_dd03l-rollname
and domname = ls_dd03l-domname.
if sy-subrc = 0 and ls_dd04l-memoryid is not initial.
set parameter id ls_dd04l-memoryid field p_data.
select single * from tbprogref into ls_gref
where tabname = tabname.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
"If we can't seem to find a program, then just
"call the screen and let it sort the nonsense out
call transaction 'SE16' and skip first screen.
"Try to call the program manually with our additional
"selection parameters
concatenate '/1BCDWB/DB' tabname into progname.
load report progname part 'SSCR' into lt_sscr.
refresh lt_params.
loop at lt_sscr.
if lt_sscr-dbfield cs fieldname.
"Add our field to this selection
ls_param-selname = lt_sscr-name.
ls_param-kind = lt_sscr-kind.
ls_param-option = 'EQ'.
ls_param-sign = 'I'.
"Put in all the fields we found in our earlier search
loop at gt_tdata where tabname = tabname
and fieldname = fieldname.
ls_param-low = gt_tdata-data.
append ls_param to lt_params.
"Display the data from the table directly the way
"SE16 would
call function 'RS_TABLE_LIST_CREATE'
table_name = tabname
seltab = lt_params
table_is_structure = 1
table_not_exists = 2
db_not_exists = 3
no_permission = 4
no_change_allowed = 5
others = 6.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
endform. " goto_table
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